Show Time Level 1 Word Count: 400-600 Low Beginner Show Time is a reader’s theater series that builds students’ fluency and critical thinking skills through classic stories and Greek myths. These dramatic tales encourage students to exercise their creativity and imagination, thus making their learning more realistic and meaningful. Features : Two possible endings provide creative opportunities for class discussion and decision-making. Practice and rehearsal increase students’ language proficiency and self-directed learning capability. Illustrations, catchy songs, and energetic voice acting give students a sensory experience of the story. QR codes allow students to easily access MP3 files of the story. A MultiROM provides role-play practice and theater materials for performing the story.
Sosyal medyanın getirdikleri ve götürdükleri üzerine nokta atışı yapan, ‘uyandırıcı’ bir belgesel. Dünyanın yetişkin insanlarını zaten çoktandır kendisine esir etmiş sosyal medya, özellikle liseden itibaren çocuklarımızı da içine alan bir yeni medya kültürü. Ancak yeni medyanın diğer unsurlarından çok daha farklı ve güçlü etkileri var.